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2021 was a deadly year for vehicle collisions

On Behalf of | May 26, 2022 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury

Not everyone wants to spend a lot of time driving, but work and other responsibilities force people to travel on Texas streets and expressways. Some may feel apprehensive about traveling due to reports about increased accidents in the United States. 2021 was a grim year with frightening traffic accident milestones.

A high number of fatalities occurred in 2021

Motor vehicle accidents occur each day in every state. Tragically, numerous accidents lead to someone losing their life. Passengers, other drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists face fatal risks when commuting. 2022 may bring even greater concerns for these drivers since the volume of accidents has been the highest since 2005.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides data that supports the grim facts. 2021 experienced a 10.5% increase in fatalities from 2020. The number of people who lost their lives in traffic crashes totaled 42,915. Perhaps increased traffic from 2020 figures played a role in the incidents.

Various issues contributed to fewer drivers on the road in 2020. The landscape is different now, and things appear more dangerous, meaning drivers may benefit from being more cautious and defensive. Even so, some accidents could be impossible to avoid.

Civil actions after vehicle collisions

Someone who drives too fast or otherwise violates traffic laws potentially puts people in harm’s way. The same sentiment applies to intoxicated, tired and distracted drivers. Owners who don’t maintain their vehicles may also put lives in jeopardy.

Ultimately, motor vehicle accidents caused by someone’s negligence may result in a personal injury lawsuit. Such litigation could help people recover compensation to cover their losses. Egregious accidents may lead to punitive awards in court.

The liability provisions in an auto insurance policy could cover losses, but intense settlement negotiations might be necessary to receive a fair sum.