Resolving Disputes Through Discussion And Negotiation

CRPS or RSD can create issues for those seeking compensation

On Behalf of | Aug 13, 2024 | Mediation

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a debilitating medical condition. Once known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), CRPS is a progressive and permanent condition. It often develops after someone suffers a traumatic injury.

An individual falls and breaks a bone, only to have their pain worsen for seemingly no reason after the bone finishes healing. CRPS is a condition that affects the nervous system. It can cause a host of symptoms ranging from deep burning pain to limited strength and range of motion. People may become intolerant of even light touches on the affected body part. They may notice changes to the skin, hair or nails nearby as well.

Attorneys helping plaintiffs in need of compensation for CRPS or RSD may find themselves preparing for mediation. They may have an uphill battle ahead because of the complexity of this condition.

CRPS comes from a diagnosis of exclusion

One of the first challenges a lawyer representing someone with CRPS has to overcome is the diagnostic uncertainty. CRPS is not a condition that doctors can test for or affirmatively diagnose. They cannot validate that someone has this condition.

Instead, they document symptoms and have to slowly rule out other causes. They eventually arrive at what medical professionals refer to as a diagnosis of exclusion. It can be difficult to convince insurance companies or lawyers representing the party at fault for an injury that the CRPS diagnosis is valid.

Given that the symptoms also vary from one case to another, it can be difficult to prove how debilitating CRPS is. It may be necessary to have the injured person undergo specialized testing to validate their claims that their CRPS affects their ability to work or live independently. It can be difficult to quantify the financial impact that this condition has. It may affect not just their ability to work and the amount of medical care that they require but also their overall quality of life.

Personal injury mediation can be an excellent option for those attempting to resolve compensation claims related to painful and debilitating medical conditions. Having the right evidence can make it easier to reach a reasonable settlement when pursuing compensation for someone with a consequential condition like CRPS.